peer-reviewed journal articles
(underlining indicates mentored student author)
Berg, C.A., Suchy, Y., Kent de Grey, R.G., Allen, N.A., Campbell, M.S., Munion, A., Butner, J., & Helgeson, V.S. (in press). Cognitive abilities and collaboration in couples in type 1 diabetes management. Diabetes Spectrum.
Loeb, E. L., Gonzalez, M. Z., Hunt, G., Uchino, B. N., Kent de Grey, R. G., & Allen, J. P. (2022). Socioeconomic Status in Early Adolescence Predicts Blunted Stress Responses in Adulthood. Developmental Psychobiology, 64(e22294). [full text via publisher]
Kent de Grey, R. G., Berg, C. A., Campbell, M. S., Munion, A. K., Luyckx, K., Raymaekers, K., Litchman, M. L., & Wiebe, D. J. (2022). Diabetes support from romantic partners during early emerging adulthood. Journal of Behavioral Medicine. [journal site] [full text via ResearchGate]
Helgeson, V.S., Zajdel, M., Tracy, E.L., Allen, N.A., Kent de Grey, R.G., Litchman, M., & Berg, C.A. (2022). Observed dyadic collaboration among couples coping with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Family Psychology. [journal site] [accepted manuscript via APA]
Allen, N.A., Litchman, M.L., Neller, S., Tracy, E.L., Kent de Grey, R.G., Grigorian, E., Helgeson, V.S., & Berg, C.A. (2021) Couples managing type 1 diabetes using diabetes technology. Diabetes Spectrum. [journal site] [request via ResearchGate]
Kent de Grey, R. G., Berg, C. A., Tracy, E. L., Kelly, C. S., Lee, J., Lichtman, M. L., Butner, J., Munion, A. K., & Helgeson, V. S. (2021). Can’t you see I’m trying to help? Relationship satisfaction and the visibility and benefit of social support in type 1 diabetes. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 38(3),805-824. [journal site] [request via ResearchGate]
Tracy, E. L., Berg, C. A., Kelly, C. S., Kent de Grey, R. G., Litchman, M. L., Allen, N. A., & Helgeson, V. S. (2021). Daily stress spillover and crossover in couples coping with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Family Psychology. [request via ResearchGate]
Tracy, E. L., Berg, C. A., Kent de Grey, R. G., Allen, N. A., Litchman, M. L., Butner, J., & Helgeson, V. S. (2020). The benefits of daily exercise on blood glucose levels and affect among adults with type 1 diabetes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 43(6), 1056-1061. [journal site] [request via ResearchGate]
Loeb, E.L., Davis, A., Narr, R., Uchino, B.N., Kent de Grey, R.G., & Allen, J.P. (2020). The developmental precursors of blunted cardiovascular reactivity to stress. Developmental Psychobiology, 63(2), 247-261. [journal site] [request via ResearchGate]
Kent de Grey, R. G., Uchino, B. N., Baucom, B. R. W., Smith, T. W., Holton, A. E., & Diener, E. F. (2019). Enemies and friends in high-tech places: The development and validation of the Online Social Experiences Measure. DIGITAL HEALTH, 53(5), 1-20. [publication freely available via open access, with scale included as supplementary material]
Kent de Grey, R. G., Uchino, B. N., Pietromonaco, P. R., Hogan, J. N., Smith, T. W., Cronan, S., & Trettevik, R. (2019). Strained bedfellows: An actor-partner analysis of spousal attachment insecurity and sleep quality. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53(2), 115-125. doi:10.1093/abm/kay037 [Oxford Open Access]
Tracy, E. L., Berg, C. A., Kent de Grey, R. G., Butner, J., Litchman, M. L., Allen, N. A., & Helgeson, V. S. (2019). The Role of Self-regulation Failures and Self-care in the Link Between Daily Sleep Quality and Blood Glucose Among Adults with Type 1 Diabetes. Annals of Behavioral Medicine. [full text via publisher] [request via ResearchGate]
Lee, J., Helgeson, V. S., Van Vleet, M., Tracy, E. L., Kent de Grey, R. G., Zajdel, M., & Berg, C. A. (2019). Implications of we-talk for relationships and health among patients with Type 1 Diabetes and their spouses. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. [journal site] [request via ResearchGate]
Kent de Grey, R. G., Werner, C. M., & Lilja Lohnes, K. (2018). Strengthening proenvironmental intentions: Intrinsic interest may support use of transport alternatives to driving alone. Transportation Research Part A, 116, 260-274. [journal site] [request via ResearchGate]
Kent de Grey, R. G., Uchino, B. N., Trettevik, R., Cronan, S., & Hogan, J. N. (2018). Social support and sleep: A meta-analysis. Health Psychology, 37(8), 787-798. [journal site] [accepted manuscript via ResearchGate]
*Florence, T.,*Kent de Grey, R. G. (*co-first authors), Uchino, B. N., & Cronan, S. (2018). A longitudinal analysis of coping style and cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stressors. Personality and Individual Differences, 125, 112-115. [journal site] [request via ResearchGate]
Kent de Grey, R. G., Uchino, B. N., Smith, T. W., & Baucom, B. R. (2018). (Too) anxious to help? Social support provider anxiety and cardiovascular function. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 123, 171-178.doi:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2017.09.014 [accepted manuscript via ResearchGate] [journal site]
Uchino, B.N., Kent de Grey, R.G., Cronan, S., Smith, T.W., Diener, E., Joel, S., & Bosch, J. (2018). Life satisfaction and inflammation in couples: An actor-partner analysis. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 41(1), 22-30. doi:10.1007/s10865-017-9880-9 [full text via PubMed Central]
Uchino, B. N., Trettevik, R., Kent de Grey, R. G., Cronan, S., Hogan, J., & Baucom, B. R. W. (2018). Social support, social integration, and inflammatory cytokines: A meta-analysis. Health Psychology. [journal site] [full text via ResearchGate]
Uchino, B. N., Scott, E., Kent de Grey, R. G., Hogan, J., Trettevik, R., Cronan, S., . . . Bosch, J. A. (2019). Sleep Quality and Inflammation in Married Heterosexual Couples: An Actor-Partner Analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 26(3), 247-254. doi:10.1007/s12529-018-09763-2 [journal site] [full text via ResearchGate]
Werner, C.M. & Kent de Grey, R.G. (2018). Brief guided group discussion and classroom lights: normative influence can be limited with a public request for commitment / Breve discusión guiada en grupo e iluminación del aula: la influencia normativa se puede limitar con una petición pública de compromiso. Psyecology, 9(1), 55-80.doi:10.1080/21711976.2017.1397896 [request via ResearchGate] [journal site]
Butner, J.E., Deits-Lebehn, C., Crenshaw, A.O., Wiltshire, T.J., Perry, N., Kent de Grey, R.G., Hogan, J.N., Smith, T.W., & Baucom, B.R.W. (2017). A multivariate dynamic systems model for psychotherapy with more than one client. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64(6), 616-625. doi:10.1037/cou0000238 [request via ResearchGate] [journal site]
Uchino, B. N., Cribbet, M., Kent de Grey, R. G., Cronan, S., Trettevik, R., & Smith, T. W. (2016). Dispositional optimism and sleep quality: a test of mediating pathways. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 39(4). doi:10.1007/s10865-016-9792-0 [PubMed Central]
Uchino, B. N., Kent de Grey, R. G., & Cronan, S. (2016). The quality of social networks predicts age-related changes in cardiovascular reactivity to stress. Psychology and Aging, 31(4), 321-326. doi:10.1037/pag0000092 [full text via PubMed Central]
Uchino, B. N., Bowen, K., Kent de Grey, R. G., Smith, T. W., Baucom, B. R., Light, K. A., & Ray, S. (2016). Loving-kindness meditation improves relationship negativity and psychological well-being: A pilot study. Psychology, 7(1), 6-11. doi:10.4236/psych.2016.71002 [open access full text]
Kent, R. G., Uchino, B. N., Cribbet, M. R., Bowen, K., & Smith, T. W. (2015). Social relationships and sleep quality. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 1-6. doi:10.1007/s12160-015-9711-6 [full text via PubMed Central]
Mikal, J. P., Rice, R. E., Kent, R. G., & Uchino, B. N. (2015). 100 million strong: A case study of group identification and deindividuation on New Media & Society. doi: 10.1177/1461444815588766 [full text via ResearchGate]
Uchino, B. N., Cawthon, R., Smith, T. W., Kent, R. G., Bowen, K., & Light, K. (2015). A cross-sectional analysis of the association between perceived network social control and telomere length. Health Psychology, 34(5), 531-538. doi:10.1037/hea0000148 [full text via ResearchGate]
Mikal, J. P., Rice, R. E., Kent, R. G., & Uchino, B. N. (2014). Common voice: Analysis of behavior modification and content convergence in a popular online community. Computers in Human Behavior, 35, 506-515. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.02.036 [request via ResearchGate] [journal site]
Smith, T., Uchino, B. N., Bosch, J. A., and Kent, R. G. (2014). Trait hostility is associated with systemic inflammation in married couples: An actor-partner analysis. Biological Psychology, 102, 51-53. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2014.07.005 [full text via PubMed Central]
invited chapters & scientific miscellany
Kent de Grey, R. G., & Uchino, B. N. Health correlates and consequences of friendship. (2020). In K. Sweeney, M. L. Robbins, & L. M. Cohen (Eds.) The Wiley Encyclopedia of Health Psychology (Vol. 2: The Social Bases of Health Behaviors, pp.239-245): John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Uchino, B.N., Kent de Grey, R.G., Cronan, S., & Trettevik, R. Social relationships. (2019). In C. Llewellyn, S. Ayers, C. McManus, S. Newman, K. Ptrie, T. Revenson, & John Weinman (Eds.). Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health & Medicine (3rd ed., pp. 141-145) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Kent de Grey, R. G.,Uchino, B. N., Trettevik, R., Cronan, S., & Hogan, J. N. (2018). Social support. In D. S. Dunn (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Psychology. New York, NY, US: Oxford University Press.
Uchino, B. N., Bowen, K., Kent de Grey, R., Mikel, J., & Fisher, E. B. (2018). Social Support and Physical Health: Models, Mechanisms, and Opportunities. In E. B. Fisher, L. D. Cameron, A. J. Christensen, U. Ehlert, Y. Guo, B. Oldenburg, & F. J. Snoek (Eds.), Principles and Concepts of Behavioral Medicine: A Global Handbook (pp. 341-372). New York, NY: Springer New York. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-93826-4_12 [accepted manuscript via ResearchGate]
Cronan, S., Uchino, B. N., Kent de Grey, R. G., & Trettevik, R. (2017). Interpersonal processes. In M. Gelleman & J. R. Turner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (pp. 1-6). New York, NY, US: Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-1-4614-6439-6_1425-2
Uchino, B. N., Ong, A., Queen, T. L., & Kent de Grey, R. G. (2016). Theories of Social Support in Health and Aging. In R. Bengston & V. Settersten (Eds.), Handbook of Theories of Aging (3 ed.). New York, NY, US: Springer.
Uchino, B. N., Bowen, K., & Kent, R. (2016). Social Support and Mental Health. In H. S. Friedman (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Mental Health (Second Edition) (pp. 189-195). Oxford: Academic Press.